Five Reasons Not to be a Squatty Dancer

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Five reasons not to use “squat & tuck” as your dance posture:

  1. The quadriceps muscles will become overworked, overdeveloped and adhered. This will create trigger point phenomenon in the muscles which result in pain referral and decreased blood flow into the knee itself.
  2. The iliotibial track will become shortened and consequently hypertones the outer quadriceps muscle (vastus lateralis) which then pulls on the outer aspect of the knee, causing mistracking, patellar.
  3. Shortens the iliopsoas muscles which in turn create chronic lower back pain.
  4. The shortened illiopsoas and iliotibial tract pull the pelvis into anterior rotation hyperlordotic curve (excessive arch in lower spine.)
  5. Causes chronic overstretching and strain of the calf muscles which can then result in Achilles tendonitis.

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